Fatal Error
File: .../nette/database/src/Database/Table/Selection.php:701
* This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)
namespace Nette\Database\Table;
use Nette;
use Nette\Database\Context;
use Nette\Database\IConventions;
* Filtered table representation.
* Selection is based on the great library NotORM http://www.notorm.com written by Jakub Vrana.
class Selection implements \Iterator, IRowContainer, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
use Nette\SmartObject;
/** @var Context */
protected $context;
/** @var IConventions */
protected $conventions;
/** @var Nette\Caching\Cache */
protected $cache;
/** @var SqlBuilder */
protected $sqlBuilder;
/** @var string table name */
protected $name;
/** @var string|array|NULL primary key field name */
protected $primary;
/** @var string|bool primary column sequence name, FALSE for autodetection */
protected $primarySequence = FALSE;
/** @var IRow[] data read from database in [primary key => IRow] format */
protected $rows;
/** @var IRow[] modifiable data in [primary key => IRow] format */
protected $data;
/** @var bool */
protected $dataRefreshed = FALSE;
/** @var mixed cache array of Selection and GroupedSelection prototypes */
protected $globalRefCache;
/** @var mixed */
protected $refCache;
/** @var string */
protected $generalCacheKey;
/** @var string */
protected $specificCacheKey;
/** @var array of [conditions => [key => IRow]]; used by GroupedSelection */
protected $aggregation = [];
/** @var array of touched columns */
protected $accessedColumns;
/** @var array of earlier touched columns */
protected $previousAccessedColumns;
/** @var bool should instance observe accessed columns caching */
protected $observeCache = FALSE;
/** @var array of primary key values */
protected $keys = [];
* Creates filtered table representation.
* @param Context
* @param IConventions
* @param string table name
* @param Nette\Caching\IStorage|NULL
public function __construct(Context $context, IConventions $conventions, $tableName, Nette\Caching\IStorage $cacheStorage = NULL)
$this->context = $context;
$this->conventions = $conventions;
$this->name = $tableName;
$this->cache = $cacheStorage ? new Nette\Caching\Cache($cacheStorage, 'Nette.Database.' . md5($context->getConnection()->getDsn())) : NULL;
$this->primary = $conventions->getPrimary($tableName);
$this->sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder($tableName, $context);
$this->refCache = &$this->getRefTable($refPath)->globalRefCache[$refPath];
public function __destruct()
public function __clone()